Variable refrigerant volume (VRV) is an advanced cooling and heating technology that provides precise temperature control for different areas within a building. It operates using a single outdoor unit that is connected to multiple indoor units, allowing for individualized climate control in various zones. VRF systems use refrigerant as the heat transfer medium, which allows for efficient and flexible operation. The technology is highly energy-efficient as it can adjust the cooling and heating capacity based on the specific requirements of each zone, resulting in significant energy savings. VRF systems also offer quiet operation and fast response times, ensuring optimal comfort for occupants. With its flexibility, energy efficiency, and superior performance, VRF technology is becoming increasingly popular in commercial and residential buildings worldwide.

VRF stands for variable refrigerant flow, which goes a surprisingly long way toward describing how this system uses refrigerant for both air conditioning and heating. In a nutshell, VRF is a ductless, large-scale system for HVAC that performs at a high capacity.

Unlike split AC equipment, VRF allows multiple indoor units to run on the same system, which is designed differently depending on the application. VRF systems are considered either a heat pump system or a heat recovery system, which can heat and cool simultaneously.

VRF systems obtain their high efficiency through the use of inverter compressors. Inverter systems allow the compressor to ramp up or down based on the needs within each space. A non-inverter system ramps up the compressor at full capacity all the time. Essentially it’s either on or off. With inverter systems operating at lower speeds and capacity, the efficiency gains can be substantial.

This versatility means VRF products are customizable to meet the specifications of virtually any project, making them particularly appealing for commercial spaces and facility managers.

The VRF system diagram below shows refrigerant branch (RB) lines for cooling as well as single and group connections for individual and simultaneous cooling and



What is the difference between VRF and VRV?

Both of these terms refer to the same technology. VRV is a trademarked term that stands for variable refrigerant volume. An air conditioning manufacturer sparked this innovation 40 years ago, and VRF refers to the general technology.

How does VRF work?

In a VRF system, the refrigerant passes through condenser units to indoor units, cutting down on the need for extensive ductwork and air handlers. The smaller pipes make it a bit easier to retrofit in older buildings than traditional HVAC systems.

As technology advances, previous limitations are disappearing. VRF systems can now be an ideal choice for commercial buildings and residential homes.

Removing ducts from the equation is part of the increased energy efficiency. ENERGY SAVER reports that more than 30% of energy consumption could be due to losses of cool air through ducts.

What are the types of VRF systems?

There are several types of these systems that contractors discuss: heat recovery or heat pump, two-pipe or three-pipe, and air-cooled or water-cooled.

A three-pipe VRF heat recovery system enables users to heat one zone while simultaneously cooling another. Three-pipe systems can be useful for facility managers of buildings with mixed temperature needs who are striving to reduce energy consumption. Typical applications would include multifamily buildings, large office complexes and religious buildings with multiple classrooms, among others.

A VRF heat pump system typically uses two pipes and can also heat and cool but not at the same time. Two-pipe systems have their own advantages, such as less pipe and connections to create opportunities for leaks. Less lifetime maintenance means more savings on the system over the long term.

Air-cooled VRF systems rely on outside air (even using ducts occasionally). Water-cooled VRF can be hidden away inside and, in some situations, can use geothermal systems already in place for increased efficiency.

What are the benefits of a VRF system?

If you’re weighing the advantages for a new building or home, a renovation or your current client base, here are a few examples of what you and your occupants will gain from VRF AC and heating over traditional HVAC. Energy efficiency: As mentioned above, leaky or unprotected ducts lead to a lot of wasted energy. Customers typically enjoy cost savings in utility bills and increased comfort after the initial installation. Customizable temperature settings: If the right VRF HVAC system for the building is selected, occupants can heat and cool different zones at the same time, allowing workers and sensitive equipment to stay safe. Sleek and compact: Compared to traditional equipment, VRF HVAC units are much less bulky, making them an excellent solution for retrofitting, renovating or outfitting areas with limited space. Scalability: Once thought to be mainly for commercial buildings, VRF systems have advanced to be compatible with a range of heating and cooling products. They can scale to control the climate in a small single-family home or a commercial high-rise. Quiet: VRF systems reduce ambient noise both inside the building as well as outside, particularly in comparison to traditional HVAC technology. Easy to install: Ducted HVAC equipment is notoriously heavy. While VRF should be installed only by trained and certified professionals, based on the type of VRF system, installation takes much less physical exertion.

Is VRF better than split AC?

VRF systems can handle large spaces well, but are the energy savings worth the installation cost for residential homes? VRF can be worthwhile, particularly in two-story homes with varied heating and cooling needs. As technology continues to advance, setting up homes for the future can be a great selling point.

Residential homes can benefit from the energy efficiency; it really comes down to whether the initial outlay is worth it to your customers.

VRF: The Best Choice For Multi-zone Buildings

Office Buildings

Research shows that temperature and humidity directly affect the productivity of employees.

The level of concentration of workers decreases and they become more likely to feel sleepy when a room is too hot. You have to deal with complaints and illnesses if a room is too cold.

In order to maintain comfort and concentration, VRF provides the exact temperature.

Additionally, energy efficiency and quiet operation increase the value of the building



In hot environments, bacteria flourish, and incorrect temperatures jeopardize the safe environment of hospitals and clinics at risk.

It also causes stress for patients doctors, and staff, having an impact on either recovery or productivity.

VRF systems slow the growth of bacteria and viruses and help to keep temperature and humidity at the optimal levels recommended by ASHRAE ensuring the safety of the environment



Studies show that there is a significant difference in learning depending on environmental factors. Ambient temperature affects the ability of students to absorb information and concentrate on classroom activities.

If a classroom is too hot or too cold, the minds of the students keep reminding them to do something about it. This can lead to cognitive challenges and an impact on their motivation, if not also their health (with asthma, wheezing, etc.).

VRF creates the perfect learning atmosphere and climate by maintaining temperatures in classrooms year-round between 71 and 77 degrees Fahrenheint.



In the hospitality industry, air conditioning is more important for reputation than you think.

Hotels that do not provide their guests with quality air conditioning have lower ratings and more complaints, 7 out of 10 guests say having a good AC system is a requirement.

You have most likely been a hotel guest before and had to deal with a load AC unit or didn't get cold enough, ruining a good night's sleep.

VRF offers guests unmatched experience from the moment of check-in until it's time to travel back, keeping all floors at a comfortable temperature and providing the comfort of home away from home.



Government buildings have an important effect on how tourists view the public system, illustrating the care and value given to the people.

Inadequate air conditioning temperatures are a sign of employee disrespect and visitor disservice, and lack of efficiency and noisy HVAC systems give the impression that the public system is outdated and sluggish.

VRF welcomes every person – employees, public figures, and civilians – to the building and shows that the government is making smart investments, taking care not only of the public contribution but also of issues like global warming.

ZR ENGINEERS is your complete source for VRF support

Understanding what VRF is and the benefits for customers is essential not just for HVAC contractors, but for building professionals and mechanical contractors, too. Our VRF division is dedicated to customizing the best VRF solutions for your business and your customers. Our product experts and sales engineers will work alongside you in the field, provide in-depth knowledge on products from leading brands, and help with in-house VRF training and certifications. Partner with ZR ENGINEERS on VRF systems and solutions for your next HVAC project.